Friday, 30 August 2019

Mengenali keluar tombong atau prolaps dan merawatnya.

Salam dik.,..kakak.
(tengoklaa kt bawah bile google translate)kikikik 

Tengok tajuk macam heavy no. Tapi yg kaknur nak tulis ni sekadar basic info. 
Tajuk posting yang menarik sebab byk ngat coalan gini. Left unanswered. Jadi kaknur tulis dlm posting ok.

Yang baik dr Allah. Yang buruk dr khilaf kaknur sendiri. Kaknur cume bagi basic. Ramai lagi Kak and MakBidan yg terer buleh tanye dorg ok. Kaknur hanya amik info dari MakBidan tersohor Malaysia. Kalo die MakBidan tersohor Malaysia.... Kaknur heee...Kaknur Manjakani tersohor Malaysia hahahaha....sebabbb aku jual Manjakani dh lame sgt....maintain Manjakani as my basic ingredients ...\
Dah melalut.... Mehh nk tulih sikit bagi faham... 
Kalo suka ...korang FORWARD/SHARE dgn kawan2 na...ramai taktau

Mari2..kaknur bila kastemer tanya,..aku cakap kene sengkak naik dulu mmg ada bidan bule sengkak naik,...pahtu tu naik dok kedudukan. Pahtu MAKAN laaa manjakani...dia pegang kedudukan batu  merian tu,....tapi MakBidan terer susah nak dpt dah.

Takpa meh ...baca lu... naa..

Mengikut kepercayaan Melayu, Keluluran RAHIM atau prolaps yang juga disebut secara lazimnya sbg KELUAR TOMBONG, berlaku apabila merian atau rahim terkeluar dari rumahnya dibahagian tulang sulbi.

Keadaan ini berlaku apabila OTOT PERANAKAN yg berfungsi memegang atau memautnya menjadi lemah dan kendur.

Apabila tidak balik ke tempat asal atau kembali *mengeram* di rumahnya., merian mudah bergerak apabila terusik sehingga menyebabkannya beralih posisi. Salah satu punca .
OTOT PERANAKAN menjadi lemah ialah DERIA RANGSANG yang merosot dan tidak seimbbang.

Pada zaman silam masalah KELULURAN RAHIM akan dirawat oleh bidan kampung yg diiktiraf keberkesanan rawatan perubatannya. Bidan dapat mengesahkan tahap keluluran rahim itu selepas membuat pemeriksaan fizikal ke atas pesakit,.

Terdapat tiga tahap KELULURAN RAHIM.

Tahap pertama.
PERANAKAN RENDAH. (first degree prolapse)
yang mana BATU MERIAN turun ke pintu makam ke 5. Iaitu satu kedudukan didalam saluran faraajj.

Tahap Kedua.
PERANAKAN SANGKUT(second degree prolapse)
yang mana BATU MERIAN turun ke pintu faraj, iaitu makam pertama. Kedudukan nya adalah seperti tersangkut.

yang mana BATU MERIAN dan pangkal merian TERJUNTAI keluar dari pintu faraj. Dalam keadaan yang serius sebahagian atau seluruh merian terkeluar terus dari pintu faraj.adi posti

Jadi posting ni utk tahap KETIGA , yang terjelir,...ok.

Keadaan ini berlaku apabila batu merian srta pangkalnya terjelir dari pintu faraj. Dalam kes yang serious, seluruh merian terkeluar.
Mengikut ilmu perbidanan Melayu, rawatan bagi masalah tersebut
dimulakan dengan membaringkan ibu tanpa bantal di kepalanya.
alas punggungnya dengan dua biji bantal.

selepas itu bidan akan mengurut dibahagian urat gagag dan cawan paha dengan lembut dan cuba menolak masuk BATU MERIAN ke pintu faraj. Bidan akan berusaha memasukkan batu merian ke dalam saluran faraj sehingga ke pintu makam kedua.

Selepas itu dalam posisi yang sama ibu diberi rawatan tuaman batu panas duri semalu yang diletakkan di atas pintu faraj bg membantu 
menyentap naik batu merian.

Sebagai petua Melayu tradisional dalam proses pengecutan dan penyentapan merian, sediakan ubat herba seperti kunyit, biji pala dan MANJAKANI yang digiling halus hingga menjadi pes.
Pes ini ditampal ke pintu faraj di atas batu merian dan kenakan tuala wanita.

Bagi setiap rawatan keluluran rahim disediakan rumusan herba bg mengecutkan rahim sbg amalan. Yakni makanlaa kunyit dan manjakani.

Manjakani dan Kunyit mmg herba yg mengecutkan yang bengkak..bentan,..even cyst yg baru...pon buleh dibantu dgn dua herba ini.

Okay setakat tu je...

contoh Gentel kaknur yg ada Kunyit dan Manjakani iaitu MGK.

Manjakani Kunyit
Ramuan dalam Manjakani Gentel Kunyit atau MGK

Manjakani Gentel Kunyit
MGK Manjakani Gentel Kunyit Makjonqueen
manjakani ubat cyst
Manjakani boleh ubati cyst tapi peringkat awal.

In English.
Greetings, brother.

See titles like heavy no. But what you want to write is just basic info.

The title of the post is interesting because it's not so cozy. Left unanswered. So the writers in the post are ok.

God is good. The bad ones are the caliphs themselves. Basic cume for basic. Many more awesome KakBidan and friends are ok dorg ok. The only good news is info from Malaysia's famous MakBidan. If die MakBidan is famous in Malaysia .... Kaknur heee ... Kaknur Manjakani is famous in Malaysia hahahaha .... sebabbb I sell Manjakani dh lame sgt .... maintain Manjakani as my basic ingredients ... \

Already forget ... Mehh nk a little for understanding ...

If you like ... you have FORWARD / SHARE with your friends ... many tactics

Let's just say that when the castle asks, .. I'm talking about here the bull goes up first and there is the midwife whistling up ... Whenever he goes to talk ... he holds that merry stone, .... but MakBidan is hard to come by.

Never mind ... read it ... there ..

According to Malay belief, the TAHIM or prolapse is also commonly referred to as the EXTREME CIRCUIT, which occurs when the blood or uterus is released from its home in the spinal cord.

This condition occurs when a functioning Parent Root holds or links it to a weak and sagging state.

When you do not return to your home or return to the house, you can easily move when moving, causing it to move. One of the causes.

The offspring of a weakened Child is a DANGEROUS DEMONSTRATION that is in disrepair.

In the past, the problem of SPIRITUAL HEALTH would be treated by a village midwife who recognized the effectiveness of her medical treatment. The midwife can confirm the level of the uterus after performing a physical examination on the patient.

There are three levels of SPIRITUALITY.

The first stage.

HARDWARE (first degree prolapse)

where the MONEY BACK drops to the entrance of the 5th tomb, which is a position in the vagina.

Level Two.

(Second degree prolapse)

where the MONEY BIRDS go down to the vagina door, the first tomb. His position was as if he were stuck.



where the BEST WOMEN and the base of the SUCCESS are out of the vagina. In serious cases some or all of the diamonds come out directly from the vagina door

So this post is for the THIRD stage, which is twisted, ... ok.

This occurs when the kidneys of the srta meridulate the base of the vagina. In a serious case, the whole mermaid is out.

According to Malay language science, treatment for the problem

it starts with laying a mother without a pillow in her head.

base her back with two pillows.

The midwife then gently massages the vein and the thigh and gently pushes the BLACK MONEY into the vagina door. The midwife will attempt to insert the stone of the diamond into the vagina drainage to the second tomb door.

Later on in the same position the mother is treated with a hot spit heat treatment placed on the vagina door to assist

staring at a rocky meridian.

As a traditional Malay tip in the process of contraction and digestion, provide herbal remedies such as turmeric, nutmeg and MANJAKANI grind to a paste.

This paste is pasted to the vagina door on the mermaid's stone and worn with a towel.

For each uterine digestive treatment a herbal formulation is provided to shrink the uterus in practice. This is a turmeric diet and treats.

Manjakani and Turmeric are the swollen shrubs that are swollen..but, .. even a new cyst ... pound the bull with the two herbs.

Okay then ...

Examples of Gentle and Turmeric Gentle are MGK.
Send feedback


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MANJAKANI plus Sirih GENTEL. Jamu Manjakani Sirih...Makjonqueen by kaknur.

  Assalammualaikum wbt,.dan salam sejahtera, (Mohon dibaca Selawat Tafrijiyah semoga dipermudahkan urusan kita Aminnn.) Hai halooo semuanya....